To the people of Mexico
To the organizations defending human rights
To the national and international media
At the three levels of government
The Minerva Bello Center reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the search for justice, truth and memory. One year after the extrajudicial execution of teacher Yanqui Khotan Gómez Peralta, we pay tribute to his life, his struggle and his legacy.
Yanqui Khotan was not only a son, brother and close friend, but also a social fighter and rural teacher committed to the defense of the right to free and equitable public education. His commitment to the search and presentation of the lives of his 43 missing companions led him to raise his voice for those who have historically been silenced. His murder on the field represents a deep wound for his family and his community, but it is also a painful reminder of the human rights violations that persist in our country and of the debt that the State has with rural normality.
We join his family, friends and colleagues in demanding justice, so that this crime does not go unpunished and those responsible, both material and intellectual, are brought to justice. We demand that the State guarantee that these acts of violence will not be repeated, that freedom of expression and protest will be absolutely respected and that the repression against those who fight for a more just country ceases.
The memory of Yanqui Khotan Gómez Peralta will live in our hearts and in every effort to defend the dignity and rights of rural teachers. His legacy inspires us to continue forward with determination, without giving up, without keeping quiet, without forgetting.
From the Minerva Bello Center we reiterate our commitment to honor the struggle, to promote actions to defend and promote human rights, to work for truth and justice, and to demand that events like this do not happen again.
Because memory is resistance.
Because justice is a right, not a privilege.
Because Yanqui Khotan remains present in every step of our struggle.
Justice for Yanqui Khotan Gomez Peralta